



Our “Microchanneling”service is microneedling… evolved! A tiny array of micro-filaments it’s gently applied to create thousands of stimulating microchannels in your skin, and your immune system to produce proteins called cytokines, peptides and growth factors that help rejuvenate the structure of your skin. With little to no recovery time, and produces both corrective and anti-aging benefits. Procell improves the appearance of aging skin, increases the vitality of your skin, and reduces the appearance offine lines, wrinkles, uneven skin tone, acne & acne scarring. It also improves the clinical health of your skin by stimulating a rejuvenation cascade that your body has built in, just waiting to be activated! Procell turns it on!

In the past microneedling technologies (like the pens and rollers) relied on creating damage to the skin in order to trigger tissue repair via your body’s powerful wound healing ability. You’ll experience an almost immediate improvement in skin tone, texture, laxity, fine lines and wrinkles. And you’ll see long term improvement that resists the aging process when you complete a series of treatments as recommended by our team. Visible improvement in aging skin, acne and other scarring, uneven or hyper-pigmented skin; overall tone and texture are visible after your first treatment with Procell. And with our expertise, we can show you how to make those results last!

A series of 4 – 6 or more Procell treatments, about once a month can dramatically improve your skin’s firmness, smoothness, elasticity, hydration, sensitivity & tone. The Livra Microchannel Delivery Solution used during treatment, and the Livra Post Care Cellular Renewal Serum ; Healing Accelerator all contain hyaluronic acid and a proprietary Stem Cytokine profile including peptides and growth factors that improve cellular communication during the skin rejuvenation cascade that occurs in the days and weeks after treatment.



How it Works? As we age, increased levels of Dihydrotestoterone (DHT) can effectively put the dermal papilla/hair follicles into a telogen, “sleeping” phase. If hair remains in a telogen phase long enough the follicle cannot be reactivated and balding occurs. Procell Therapies Hair Regrowth Serum (HRS) disrupts the occupation of receptors on the dermal papilla prone to DHT contamination, re-awakening dormant follicles to grow hair once again. Treatment works best on younger patients who have just begun balding, but impressive results have been seen even in older patients.

Additionally, thinning hair may be caused by a scalp damaged by a dry climate, nutrition, stress, certain drugs, chlorine, and/or environmental exposure. Over many years, the skin of the scalp produces less growth factors and becomes less efficient at repairing damage. Because of this, the condition of the scalp can eventually deteriorate to the point where it hardens (fibrosis) or hair follicles become miniaturized. In the case of fibrosis, hair is unable to grow through the hardened scalp.

Miniaturization renders the hair follicles unable to perform their normal growth cycle. Both conditions can lead to a cessation of hair production and the death of hair follicles. Stem cells lining the hair follicles are crucial for production of hair, and the GF-technology ingredients in this concentrated serum are selected to provide support to these stem cells, so hair can re-grow. HRS improves the overall condition of the scalp, rejuvenating damaged hair follicles and increasing circulation of nutrients for healthy hair. The serum’s action is enhanced by protective flower extracts, which help maintain cellular health and lustrous hair.

HRS incorporates recent advances in hair follicle science. Specialized techniques influence bone marrow mesenchymal stem cell cultures to produce conditioned media focused on hair growth (Wnt-1a pathway) while twelve bio-identical growth factors and cytokines, each with proven efficacy in hair follicle stimulation, are added to make this the most scientifically advanced product of its type.

6 treatments as commended and can be up to 10 treatments. Each treatment 2 weeks apart ​The patient’s hair regrowth is assessed every 2 weeks. The treatment series may be halted if no further hair regrowth is observed, or continued at the 50% discount level until no further hair regrowth is observed.


​How many sessions as recommended ?

It’s always recommend to do a series ( 4 sections ) but with someone needs a lot of work you can do one treatment every 48-72 hours. has to have 48 hours at least between each treatment and once see improvement can start doing once a week or once every 2 weeks or once every 3-4 weeks.

1section $350

4 sections $1305

6 sections $1850

Combine Mesotherapy

​How many sessions as recommended ?

21-28 days for up to 4-6 sessions depending on medical evaluation and treatment targets.

1 section $500

4 sections $1845

6 sections $2615
( Included NeoGenesis Pro Post-Treatment Kit $87.50)

Combine BioRePeel

​How many sessions as recommended ?

21-28 days for up to 4-6 sessions depending on medical evaluation and treatment targets.

1 section $650

4 sections $2385

6 sections $3380
( Included NeoGenesis Pro Post-Treatment Kit $87.50)



There is some discomfort during the treatment. There is no lingering discomfort and we have a number of strategies we employ to minimize discomfort during treatment

No. It can improve the appearance of scars

Hyaluronic acid and a combination of purified proteins designed to amplify rejuvenation. There are no human or animal cells, DNA, blood or other foreign substances. The product has been used safely and effectively for over a decade.

Fine lines, wrinkles, hyperpigmentation, acne scarring, stretch marks, hair loss, and rosacea are all conditions that MicroChanneling can improve.

You can apply make-up, sunblock and other topical products after ~90 minutes ( however we do not recommend until the next morning )

Anything from minor redness to a deep red flush, which clears up in 4 to 72 hours depending on how aggressive the treatment is.

You will typically notice an improvement in the quality and appearance of your skin within the first 24 hours. After 2-3 treatments a thicker more robust, collagen filled cellular matrix will produce more consistent and noticeable improvement. And 6 or more treatments may be recommended for scarring, laxity and wrinkles. For hair regrowth some reactivation typically appears within the first two weeks, with noticeable improvement after about 5 weeks.

Any condition that seriously impairs your immune system, active radiation or chemotherapy, pregnant or nursing, uncontrolled diabetes, allergy to stainless steel, chronic inflammatory skin disease, Accutane in the past 2 years, hemophilia or a similar bleeding disorder

Dermaplane, Microdermabrasion or an enzyme peel may be performed immediately before MicroChanneling as long as the face is disinfected before MicroChanneling. Immediately following MicroChanneling, LED light therapy and oxygen may be applied.

MicroChanneling stimulates the body to release peptides, cytokines and growth factors that induce collagen production. As you get older, the stem cells that produce these vital proteins lose efficacy and decline in population, so microchanneling alone becomes less and less effective. Because of premature aging the MicroChannel Delivery Serum, and the post care Cellular Renewal Serum and Healing Accelerator become more necessary to produce improvement. Use of the Livra products ensure the skin continuously receives potent, robust, pristine peptides, cytokines and growth factors even in between treatments. Think of diet and exercise – MicroChanneling without serums is like exercising without dieting. Results will be good with MicroChanneling only, great with serums.roChanneling as long as the face is disinfected before MicroChanneling. Immediately following MicroChanneling, LED light therapy and oxygen may be applied.

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